Uigshader Living Forest Project Ltd is an organisation established to rehabilitate the former commercial plantation forest at Uigshader, Isle of Skye.

Our projects include fence building, tree planting, bog restoration and the establishment of woodland crofts in the initial stages of our management of Uigshader Woodland. 

— Sustainability —

Developing a sustainable method of management for the land

— Ecology —

Preserving, reinstating and establishing valuable habitats

— Community —

Creating opportunities for people to live, work, enjoy and thrive

- We have launched a GoFundMe campaign -

In order to raise funds for the project, we have launched a fundraising campaign through GoFundMe. We'd love it if you could take the time to have a read through, and would be exceedingly grateful for any and all donations made. Click on the in-text link for more.

Mòran Taing!


Uigshader Woodland, Peiness, Isle of Skye
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